Business need
Maintaining audit compliance within an organization of great size can be a tedious task. It is imperative to constantly check for any risks embedded into SAP systems, which takes a lot of resource time and costs.
At Informatic Technologies, we provide AuditBOT SAP Risk Management suite equipped with tools that help companies spot and immediately counter risks, saving companies from large remediation expenses and audit cleanup fees.
Custom GRC Tool
User Provisioning
Process Controls for SAP
License Saver Tool
Emergency Access Management For SAP
User Password Reset Tool
Role Automation Tool
Our solutions cover a broad spectrum of both consumer-centric and process-centric digital services such as: Digital Marketing, Advanced Digital Analytics, Collaborative Portals, UX Design, Business Process Modelling, Mobility and other custom solutions.
- Enable a single source provider for SAP Risk-management
- Increase audit compliance and save client’s money
- Discover and analyze the client’s needs
- Advise clients to deliver and implement SAP risk management solutions which meet each client’s unique needs
- Train clients to sustain and maintain the success of the SAP Risk management solutions